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Penmon Romanesque: Project
Penmon Romanesque
Neatblocked monastic buildings tidytucked
restraint, tightheld in homespunmodest robe
yr hen Fynachlog Celtaidd ‘reorganised’ Blackcanons’ way
upslipperysteps askew with footworn years
through sandyquartzfilled lintel, wooden door
sign warns of birdmess and churchwarden stress.
Main chancel brightbeflowered thick with Sundayvibe
old Norman nave halfhidden stirringsilence lures
downpullingdensedark archescurve
Penmon Romanesque: Text

Penmon Romanesque: Image
‘the capitals very rudely S culptured, representing sprawling monsters’
with serpent t H ing looselooping limestone celtic knot
a nam E less beastlycreature pawsitssnout.
a lophophor E crownfeeding tentacles
imeworn they wait stil L stirring on their plinths
oldribbe A rd stareeyes Gofannon blackmithgod sharpbladedaxe
1198 Geraldus Cambrie N sis ‘Ynys Lenach, or Priests’ Island, many bodies of saints
are buried there A nd no woman is suffered to enter it’
squareshoulderedsplayin G Sheelastrong-more fearsome femaleforce?
smilecurving broad t I meflattened face proudbrandished womanform
a goddess lau G hing Baubo Lilithwitch unfallenEve...
Penmon Romanesque: Text
Penmon Romanesque: Text
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