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Hogan Lan Môr: Project
Ganwyd rhwng dau fôr
croen dŵr hallt, yn
droednoeth ar y tywod
mae’n cyffwrdd adra.
Y llanw sy’n gwthio
a’i thynnu yn ôl, ar goll
yn gwybod does dim
byd yn ei dal fel y môr.
Mae wastad yn gwybod
bod o’n disgwyl amdani,
hitha a’r rhai â ddewiswyd
y mamau sy’n gadael drysau
heb eu cloi i blant neith
byth ddod adra.
Hogan Lan Môr: Text
Hogan Lan Môr
(Seaside Girl)
Born between two seas
with salt-water skin
barefoot on sand
she touches home.
Currents push and pull
her back lost and sick
with knowing, nothing
will hold her like the sea.
She knows it’s waiting
for her with the other
chosen few whose
mothers leave doors
unlocked for children
that are never coming
Hogan Lan Môr: Text
Hogan Lan Môr: Text
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