Anna, originally from Chorley, Lancashire, has lived in Y Gog for many years, where she helps to organise local experimental arts events. Now retired from lecturing and research at Manchester Metropolitan University, Anna relishes writing and studying poetry, especially experimental ecopoetics and sound poetry. She has published in Lucent Dreaming.
I am a first year English Literature and Creative Writing student at Bangor University. My poem The centre of things was published by SINK Magazine (2020), and I appeared in the Yong Identity Anthology: ecosystems of fury the scalpel and the sledgehammer myth restoration (2020). Instagram: @e.va.el
Origin of Valley Origin of Mountain Windows (Perhaps) Slant Land Ectopic
Holly Peckitt is an MA English Literature student at Bangor University. To her, writing is an exhale, as necessary as oxygen. Originally from Manchester, Holly hopes to pursue her poetry, prose and playwriting as a career. Previously her work has featured in Moonchild Magazine, Black Bough: Issue 1, MuggleNet and The Stage. When she's not writing, you'll find her reading, gardening, or exploring her second home of North Wales.
Twitter: @HollyPeckitt Instagram: @HollyPeckitt
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/holly-peckitt-0b9a72154/
Huw Saunders is a TV reviewer for culturedvultures.com, and a previous winner of bogleech.com's Creepypasta Cookoff.
"Let me explain! No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"
- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride
Muhammad has been many things in his short three decades so far:
Journalist, soldier, scriptwriter, radio presenter, linguist, martial artist, philosopher, politician, poet.
He did his diploma in Communications & Media Management in Singapore, his BA Linguistics in Bangor, and is doing his MA Creative Writing in a global pandemic.
The last time he hiked to Snowdonia, he got lost up a lakeside path, stuck up a mountain ridge overnight, and found his way back down to Llanberis on the other side of the ridge by following a river.
He explores his haibun prose-poetry much the way he explores Gog Cymru.
Ness Owen is a poet and lecturer from Ynys Mon. Her work has been published in journals and anthologies, including in Planet Magazine, Mslexia, Red Poets and Poetry Wales. Her first collection 'Mamiaith' was published in 2019 by Arachne Press. She has forthcoming collections with Parthian and Arachne in 2022.
Twitter: @ness_owen Instagram: @nessynysmon
The designer for the Y Gog logo, Stephen Willis grew up in scenic North Wales, UK. He attended the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff where he received his BA (Hons) in Fine Art. He is currently settled back in North Wales where he feels most inspired to create work. He enjoys expressing himself through various materials, such as oil paint, watercolour, copper, digital or anything he can get his hands on.
Website: https://www.stephenwillisart.co.uk/
Published by
Luna Lobos
Michael Barry
Katie Handley
Elaine Hughes
Muhammad Firdaus
Amber Arrowsmith-Gavin
Briony Collins